Student Make A Mark (July 2023)
The teachers of Radin Mas Dragon Scouts would like to recognize exemplary leadership of the Senior Sixers, Xavier Lau (6I) and Dennis Thong (6M) and their team of sixers, namely Darius Lim (6N), Caleb Leong (6D), Renzo Lam (6M), Dylan Thong (6M) and Jayden Tan (6D) for their active contributions to Radin Mas Dragon Scouts.
Apart from actively leading their respective sixes, the above cubs proactively participated in a host of regional and national scouting activities through the years 2021 to 2023.
The Founder’s Day Campfire, Cub Scout Mind Quiz, Gangshow, Area Field Day, National Orienteering Competition, International sharing with Hong Kong Scouts, Mid-Autumn Festival volunteering, Scout International Jamboree are to name a few events that the cubs participated in, sometimes beyond school hours and on Saturdays.
For their active participation representing the school, Radin Mas Dragon Scouts received the Frank Cooper Sands Award (Silver) for the year 2023. Well done cub scouts, you have done the school and yourselves proud and made a mark!